Director, Cardiovascular Analytic Intelligence Initiative (CV-Ai2) Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Dr. Manlhiot received a PhD at the Institute of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto. From 2015 to 2019 he was the Director of the Cardiovascular Data Center.
Under Doctor Manlhiot's leadership, The CVDMC has established itself as a leader in cardiovascular data analytics. He joined Johns Hopkins University in 2019 to lead the Cardiovascular Intelligence Initiative, affiliated with the Blalock-Tausing-Thomas Pediatric Heart Center.
He is:
A scientist at the Research Institute at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto.
Ted Rogers Center Innovator in cardiovascular precision medicine.
Author of more than 300 scientific publications to date.
Research Director in cardiac data analytics at the Labatt Family Heart Center.
His current research program focuses on emerging analytical methods for precision medicine. studying the infrastructure for the clinical deployment of prediction models and the life cycle of algorithms in clinical settings.
Dr Manlhiot discussed:
Generic medicine (Everyone is the same )
Does not require predictive analytics Current paradigm for most of medicine
Stratified medicine (Management by sub-groups)
Requires moderately accurate probabilistic models Currently possible in simple clinical situations
(Personalized medicine)
Management targeted to the individual Requires highly accurate predictive models
Narrow AI (today)
Can execute focused tasks, consistent with training. Cannotself-expand functionality.
Outperform humans in specific,repetitive functions, even if tasks are complex
General AI (AGI) (decade ?)-------
Can perform broad tasks without specific training in a way that is similar to human intelligence. Is able to compete with humans, earn a university degree and convince humans itis human (~Turing test)
Super AI (ASI) (sci-fi ?)--------
Demonstrate intelligence beyond human capabilities, can self-improve, expand, replicate, and more…
Why are clinical prediction models failing implementation at such a high rate?
The full PP Presentation and recorded presentation are on these links:
Rocco: Meeting next Monday at the coach house. Usual time.
Basil announced President Gordon's 15th wedding anniversary.
Basil gave everyone a look at the charts containing gala ticket sales and sponsors. $100.00 tickets extended one more week. We are short $2,500.00 in sponsorships.
Barry Smith
Barry fined anyone who had not bought a Gala ticket.
Happy bucks.
Frank: happy that Betty is doing well
Danny: Happy that he got the recording of our very distinguished guest speaker.
Micheal: Saw his 6-month-old grandchild. Also his 15-year-old kitty.
Basil: Dorothy is settling in.
Gordon: Shared a quote from poet and author Maya Angelo: and with nothing else for the good of Rotary closed the meeting.