Rotary District 7070
Arthur's 90th Birthday
Land Acknowledgement: By President: Gordon Brown National Anthem by; Peter Mason
O Canada: Gordon and All Rotarians and Guests
Toast to The King, Canada, and Rotary by President Gordon Brown . Members In Attendance: 17 Guests: 6.

Guests Announcements:

Guests Announcement BY Dhanni Ramdeen. Guest Name _ John Ramdeen (Husband)
Guest Announcement by Arthur Guest Name: His Son, Daughter, and Family Friend.
Program: Speaker of the Day Basil Introduced Arthur in celebration of Arthur's 90” Birthday.
Topic.: Arthur's 90 the Birthday Celebration.
Arthur's son shared a hilarious story about his family visit to India His Daughter Spoke about her dad's 1st Interview with the Canada Immigration Officer and his past Fun years in Canada.
Basil Shared Arthur's introduction to the Rotary Club and his jolly nature with humorous jokes.
Gordon shared Arthur's fellowship, dedication, and easy-going Persona during his interactions with Rotary Club members old or new in all these past years.
Gerd Raised a Toast in Honor of Arthur
Please click on this link for a recording


John Ramdeen_. Topic: _ Fall Gala October 18th Event and its progress.
An appeal was made again to find more Sponsors Ticket sales are encouraging but still need consistent efforts by all Rotarians members to Provide support for Ticket sales.
John showed a chart of the numbers collected to date. He was immediately corrected on the figures when Gerd gave him a Cheque for $7,500.00 
Arthur. Topic. Community services Meeting @ Red Lobster next Monday at 6 p.m.
Arthur. Topic Thank you to all rotary members and guests present

Sergeant of Arms: No Sergeant of Arms due to a long Birthday Celebration,

Meeting Adjourned by President: Gordon Brown
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