Rotary District 7070
Hippo Roller Speaker

Chair:  Danny Cassidy, Vice President 

Land Acknowledgment:  Danny Cassidy   

National Anthem: Peter Masson 

Toast to the King - Canada and Rotary: Danny Cassidy 

Attendance: Present 13 including guest ADG Susan Roper, plus guest speaker on Zoom - Luke Vosterman 


Program – “Hippo Roller Project" (Zoom Meeting) 


Barry Smith - introduced Luke Vosterman, a member and past president of the Rotary Club of Gibson BC, District 5040.   

Luke launched “The Roll a Hippo Foundation” whose mission is to put the simple innovation on the world stage.  Luke is an avid advocate of the Hippo Water Roller project launching the Clubs 1000 Hippo projects across District 5040, the project appeals spread across Canada, the U.S., Australia, and South Africa in collaboration with over 125 Rotary Clubs. 

As an international project, our Club has been looking at this project and figured we need to know more about it to consider possible support from our Club.  Today, Luke joined our Rotary meeting from BC Via Zoom, to talk to us about the Project, which was followed by questions and answers. 

In the video presentation, Luke demonstrated that a simple ‘flip in thinking’ to transport water in rugged terrains with less effort than traditional carrying buckets of water from rivers and wells into their family homes. 

Many girls and women around the world, particularly in poor countries, focus much of their lives on carrying water for their families, from rivers and wells to their family homes.  It is physically demanding, thankless work.  The hippo water roller addresses this problem.  It moves 90 to 200 liters of water by rolling it on the ground.  The hippo water roller can transport more water, more easily and in less time than carrying 20-liter buckets on the head. 


Arthur Retnakaran thanked Luke for the presentation. 


Please follow the link to view Luke’s video presentation.



VP Danny, announced the board meeting is next Monday, Sept. 30th 6:00 at Floga. 

Dhanni Ramdeen gave an update on the Gala progress and reminded us the event date is October 18. 


ADG Susan Roper reminded us of the following events: 

  • Foundation walk on October 6th at Fairy Lake in Newmarket from 10 am to 2 pm 

  • Learning Tuesdays – check schedules 

  • President’s meetings 

  • DG dinner October 17, 5:30 to 9 at Floga $35 PP 

  • District Conference Oct. 25-27 at Nottawasaga Inn  


Sergeant @ Arms: 

Frank asked for happy bucks 

Suresh - Happy to have replaced his lost Paul Harris pin 

Susan - her grandchildren are back to school 

Barry - is enjoying the retirement 

Arthur - Happy good news from his son 

Danny - happy the Zoom system worked well  

Gerd - showed us a poster containing both the Green and the Great Blue Heron birds 

Frank - was glad to donate in exchange for the poster presented to him by Gerd to add to his bird collection. 


Vice President Danny adjourned the meeting. 

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