Russell Hampton
National Awards Services Inc.
Attendance:                11 members plus our guest speaker, David Locket from PACT
Anthem:                      Gordon Brown
Grace:                         Jim Boyko
Toast to the Queen, Canada, and Rotary:  President Mike Mushet
Announcements:        Gerd announced that he had received 5 of the Loblaws $25 gift cards to date for donation to a food bank, and encouraged other members to bring him their cards as well.
Peter reminded us of the Paul Harris Scholarship Banquet to be held on Monday, May 28th at 6:30 pm at Centennial College, Progress Campus.
This year’s host will be the Scarborough Twilight Rotary Club.
President Mike reminded us of the Host Hospitality on Monday, June 25th at the Guild Inn. Please respond to the invitation email letting Jacqueline know whether you are attending and whether you are bringing any guests. (Guests are $60 each).
Marbelous Draw:       Conducted by Frank Allison, drawn by our guest speaker David Lockett, and won by Frank himself. The mutant marble eluded Frank, who had to settle for the consolation prize of $5.00.
Sergeant at Arms:      Kevin Manuel fined all who couldn’t remember at least 2 of the Scarborough organizations our club supports, with exemptions being allowed for those with a Presidential Pardon. Happy bucks were contributed by several members.
Guest Speaker:           Basil introduced David Lockett of the PACT Urban Peace Program, an organization David co-founded in response to Past RI President Luis Giay call for action on Urban Peace in 1997.
David spoke about the $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 cost to our society when kids get caught up in the revolving door of reoffending, and the 90% success rate of the life plan Coaching Program which we support.
 PACT and Past RI President Luis Giay will be conducting a Break-Out session at the RI Convention in June.
Authur thanked David and presented him with a cheque for $2,000. A recording of their presentation is attached.
Quote of the day: