Rotary District 7070
Common Man for Ukraine
Land Acknowledgement:  President Avrum
O'Canada: Peter
Toast to the King, Canada, and Rotary:  President Avrum
Attendance: 9
Common Man for Ukraine matching gifts and volunteer grants pageCommon Man for Ukraine | Maundy Mitchell Photography
Image result for susan Matheson common man for ukraine
Danny introduced Susan Matheson, one of the founders of "Common Man for Ukraine." 
As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began, four friends with a long history of service to their community in New Hampshire could not look away. Without a clear path to help the orphans and child refugees seen daily in footage from the front lines, they created one. To learn firsthand how to provide practical, timely, and critical aid, Common Man for Ukraine’s four co-founders first visited their Rotary Club partners in Poland and Ukraine in April 2022. On the ground, they discovered specific needs, developed trustworthy relationships on the ground, and established reliable supply and delivery chains. Their focus quickly centered on the plight of the Ukrainian orphans, children, and families whose lives were overturned by this war. Starting with a $500 donation from their local Rotary Club, Common Man for Ukraine (then titled New Hampshire for Ukraine Relief Fund) set out to raise $1 million to match the $1 million donation from co-founder Alex Ray.
NSRC International Service Committee met this group while attending the update meetings for our Project in Poland, which is mentioned in the presentation. They are the largest donor to the project, promising funding for three years.
Founding Members:
Gov. John Lynch — Co-Founder, Common Man for Ukraine John Lynch served four terms as governor of New Hampshire from 2005 to 2013
Susan Mathison — Co-Founder, Common Man for Ukraine Susan Mathison focuses on creating a better world as an environmentalist and a humanitarian.
Alex Ray is the owner and founder of The Common Man Family of Restaurants. He is known just as much for his family-style restaurants across New Hampshire as for his tireless philanthropic work in communities across the state.
Steve Rand — Co-Founder, Common Man for Ukraine. Steve Rand exemplifies service above self.  He has held several leadership roles within the local Rotary Chapter, providing leadership throughout the community. In addition to co-founding Common Man for Ukraine, Steve operates as treasurer for the 501c3
Lisa Mure — Co-Founder, Common Man for Ukraine Lisa Mure, M.Ed., is a public health consultant who works regionally and nationally to improve behavioral health care. Lisa has served on several non-profit boards that support education.
This is an incredible story, and it is worth the time to click on this link and listen and see Susan's Presentation.
Arthur. Instructed those delivering for the warm hands project to meet him outside to pick up their packages.
Gerd. Announced that he had a cheque for $16,000.00, which he gave to Arthur. He then took the cheque back to make the deposit :-). he also told a passably funny joke, which has escaped me at the moment. Sorry!
Danny announced that he and Basil attended the foundation training last Saturday. Two members must take the course for us to be eligible for grant funding. All club goals must be up to date for 2022-23 and soon for 2023-24.
Avrum: Has arranged for a visit to the "Bomber girls." exhibit in Scarborough on December 6th, from 10.00 am until 11.30 am, followed by a social lunch at Floga for those interested.
omen bomb girls mural
As time was short, Mike asked for happy bucks only.
There were a few "anonymous donations.
Rocco was happy he received a card from the club when his sister passed at 90.
Gerd brought an injured bald eagle from Thunder Bay and showed us a photo.
Despite the result, Danny was happy to sit in the rain to watch the Canada- Jamaica game with his son and grandson on Tuesday night.
Avrum then closed the meeting.
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