Rotary District 7070
Thanks Avrum!

Anthem: Barry Smith

Land Acknowledgement President Avrum

Toast to the King, Canada, and Rotary: President Avrum

Attendance: 12 members

Guests: Dorothy Evans, Bette Allison, Mike Conway of Agincourt & Marcy Tomassini of Scarborough

Announcements: Basil encouraged all members to get on board with the Gala fundraiser,

on Friday, October 18th. Tickets are $125 each, or $100 each for five or more. Includes dining, dancing, and a show.




Gordon announced the President’s/Charter party on Thursday, July 26th,


Sergeant at Arms:

SAA Alan collected fines from the rowdy, noisy table, and voluntary contributions for various misdemeanors and happy occasions. Gordon was extremely happy with the awards his grandson James collected at graduation, including for science & sports.




Rotary Club President Pin - Rotary Club Supplies - Russell Hampton Company

Guest Speaker: Out-going President, Avrum








Avrum was thoroughly roasted by all and sundry,  led by Basil. Also turning the roasting spit were Barry Smith, Dave Hard, and Arthur Retnakaran.


Avrum eloquently reviewed his year as president, which he enjoyed enough to do it again. Grateful for all the assistance from the Board and club members, he referred to his PETS trip to Chicago (to visit his daughter), the Foundation Walk where the food was late, the wonderful President’s/Charter Party, the District Conference in Whitby, and especially the ”just for laughs” meeting for which he is already preparing for his encore.

During Avrum’s year, we inducted two new members, Dr. Vijay Kumar Chattu, and Councilor Jamaal Myers. All the members present gave Avrum a rousing round of applause and assured him that he was one of our best presidents ever.

Gordon had the honour of presenting Avrum with his past -President’s plaque, and a promise that his past president’s pin is on the way.

For the last time this Rotary year, Avrum closed the meeting.


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